Topical Tax Issues Autumn 2023

This blog considers some tax issues to be aware of now that summer is over and winter is on the way!


  • Dividend allowance: Are you aware that the dividend allowance reduced to £1,000 from 6 April 2023 and is due to reduce to £500 from 6 April 2024?

  • State pension top up: Should you be thinking about making voluntary national insurance contributions to increase your state pension entitlement while there is an opportunity to do so? 

  • Overpayment relief: Have you overpaid income tax in previous years and are you aware that you need to submit an overpayment relief claim within 4 years?


  • Basis period reform: Have you thought about the tax implications of basis period reform, and do you have a record of the overlap profits to claim for 2023/24?

  • Business deductions: Have you reviewed your business expense claims recently and is there scope for claiming further costs such as for a home office?

  • Extraction of profits: Does the method of extracting company profits need to be reviewed following the tax changes (including corporation tax) from April 2023?


  • Business structure: Do you need to review the structure of your property business and is it time to consider incorporation or a transfer into joint names?

  • Let Property Campaign: Do you have undeclared rental profits and are you aware that these can be disclosed to HMRC through the Let Property Campaign?

  • Furnished Holiday Lettings businesses: Are you impacted by the changes to the holiday lettings rules in Scotland and have you considered the tax implications for your business? 


  • IHT (inheritance tax) efficient gifts: Is it time to start making gifts to family and utilise the annual £3,000 and ‘normal expenditure out of income’ exemptions.

  •  Pension contributions: Are you aware of the changes to the allowances from 6 April 2023, including the increase in the annual allowance to £60,000?

  •  CGT (capital gains tax) annual exemption: Do family members utilise their exemption and are they aware that it is reducing to £3,000 from 6 April 2024?


Furnished Holiday Lettings – Legislative Changes in Scotland


Furnished Holiday Lettings – Summary of Tax Rules